A Wednesday that changed it all!!

It started with bollywood people making movies on the bomb blasts aftermath. These were mere chronicles of the life of the people directly or indirectly affected by the blasts. These all movies asked a question and sent out messages of peace which though strong could not be appreciated by the ones responsible. I think the solution that wednesday provides is logical and righteous in every sense. Everyone respects the gun is an adage true to its last word. What's wrong with giving these cockroaches a taste of their medicine. This movie should be shown to every bomber that wants to wreck havoc in the lives of the common man like us. Coz once we become determine to hit back these people won;t find an inch to stand. 
It;s not the humane solution but the situation right now demands an action of the order of this. Turning towards the movie that changes it all- A Wednesday is the most intelligent bollywood movie that i have ever seen. Movies like these should be made. It's time to let go the hero and heroine of the bollywood and hail the arrival of an actor to the main screen. People going nuts about the Salaam Namaste, Kabhi khushi, and all the johar camp stuff..should realise that they are no better than the saas bahu never ending sagas. We churn out a 1000 movies every year but yet we are unable to win a single foreign award let alone a oscar. All the indian movies that do go to foreign festivals and win awards never see the insides of the theatres in india. 
We have no dearth of intelligent movie makers but what we have in drastically short supply is the intelligent audience. 


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