KartCompare - Online Price Comparison Engine

KartCompare - An online price comparison engine (http://www.kartcompare.in) was launched in august 2012 and within a month we have seen the popularity of the website to grow by leaps and bounds.

I should thank the day when i decided to purchase a new mobile phone and was looking for some deals at the various online stores in india. Needless to say it was a tedious task searching for google and checking out stores to find out the best deal for a particular mobile phone. It was very confusing also some store was selling a particular mobile at cheaper price than the other whereas on the other store a different mobile was being sold at a low price. After giving up this futile exercise I thought what if there was a site which can just provide me the price of a particular mobile phone across all these stores. Initially the idea sounded really cool but then i realized that it will be a real mess to get data from various online stores.

So, for a few days i toyed with the idea talked with a few people and this idea invoked a genuine interest and a lot of other features were discussed. Then finally i shared this idea with a friend and he was ready to try it out. So, we decided to look into the various aspects of the idea.

After toiling hard for a month we were able to get data from a couple of shopping stores and we got up the first version of KartCompare online. It was nothing fancy-very basic search functionality for a mobile phone and displaying the price results for different online stores.

Even though we were able to show the basic price comparison, we were not satisfied with the way we were using the data we were getting from the online stores. This huge data can be processed to generate a lot of meaningful analytical information for the consumers. We decided that we will play around with the different aspects of the data and will try to provide more in-depth analysis like price trends, popularity trends, price drops to our consumers.

So far KartCompare is active in 3 categories - Mobiles, books, cameras and comparing more than 40k products across 25 different online stores.

We plan to put up more categories and more analytics in our website to make it a one stop solution for all your shopping needs.

We are not trying to change the dynamics of online shopping we are just trying to make you smart buyers.


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