The adventures of Alejandro n Dmitri : Steven's Seige Ch3 - by steven

Location: the 'thermonuclear trans-semi-ponder-ducer facilty of advanced neo-meta particulation phenomena'..better known as W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R.

Time: late..really late

Alejandro and Dmitri are standing outside the gates of 'you know what'. a titanium grill runs along the perimeter of of the facility. Apparently, the people inside do not want people on the outside to enter. they could ve used a door for that purpose..but a door is no match for Alejandro and Dmitri..who are trained to destroy.

On this occasion, Steven - the evil architect of the local matrix, and the opposer of Subway, has held Master Po captive. The facilty is under 'Steven's Seige' and Alejandro's and dmitri's mission is to rtetrieve it and get master Po to safety.

Alejandro : ill ella elle mcpherson

Dmitri: ill ull dum heidi klum

Alejandro: what do we zoo dmitri

Dmitri: we zoo nothing you fool. remember the instructions..they be watchin us.

at this moment Dmitri looked at Alejandro, pursed his lips...and thought:

Dmitri (in his mind..directed towards Alejandro) : free your mind your mind bitch..!

Alejandro stares back at him. Dmitri looks worried.

Dmitri (in his mind again): Man im gaana fill ur Sub with pickle and jalapeno! (no answer) Shit this mind-communication thing doesnt work.."

Alejandro doesnt say anything. just a twitch of the lips

Dmitri (in his mind..yet again): im gonna faack yer wife when you re out in lebanon..and while im at it i ll also screw your..

Alejandro: faaack you dmitri..

Dmitri: faack you you faat farse pig

Alejandro: you be wanting a piece o me haaa?

Dmitri: no i be not wanting that coz a piece o u is larger than a hog's backside..

Alejandro: faaack yourself!

Dmitri: i'll do that right after your motha..

Alejandro: Fack you..

dmitri: fack you too..

Silence. now it so happens that Steven and his cronies were watching this conversation..they thought they were having a fight. So they switched off the security monitors and started watching pinky and the brain.

Meanwhile..outside 'W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R...

Dmitri (into his mic piece): Tank..plug me in the matrix.

Tank: sure..what do you need!

Alejandro: Nuns..lots of Nuns.

Dmitri: what the..

but by that time its too late. A row full of nuns appear, neatly standing in shelves..categorised by different cup sizes.

Dmitri: what the faack haan slaami..what re we spos'd to do witha ll these nuns. you were spsd 2
say guns you mothafucka!!!

Alejandro: relax me ho..

Dmitri: but no sonuvabitcha has ever tried this before..!!

Alejandro: we be men mothafucka..the bitches be inside..and that is why its gonna be wrking!

Alejandro winks at a nun. the nun smiles. A chain of reactions begins. 100,000 nuns advance towards the thermonuclear whatever facilty.

Sometime later:

Master po, dmitri and alejandro are sipping something too secret to be named. What happend with the nnuns will remain a mystery, coz that enables a reader to think and ponder and fathom and stuff.

the point is..a beautiful russian chick (pronounced cheeek) paased the trio at that moment.

Alejandro: man thats anya the fair one

Dmitri: faack you man..fair or naat..she be mine..

And dmitri ran. alejandro follows.

Master po: aah..they be followin the white bunny!

Master Po closes his eyes and enters a deep meditative sleep.


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