Hella Fatboy!! - Ch6

Setting: Alejandro and Dimitri in their apartment cooling off the heat from their last adventure - Steven Seige's. 
Alejandro:[Confused as to what to call himself. This time he is thinking of changing his name to Abbassi Fawal. He wants to sound like a person who mean business.]
Dimitri: [Fed up with name syndrome of Alejandro]

Alejandro/ Abbassi Fawal is still smitten by the Anya charm and is singing a song or trying to sing a song. So come along. [boy!! i should give up writing stories and think of seriously getting into writing sonnets and hiakus]

here we go...

Alejandro: hmm..hmm..hmmm....
[no hez not doing wat u think hez doing. Hez just clearing his throat.]

Alejandro: hmm...hmm...hmmm......

Dimitri: [in his mind: There goes the crooner again. Wish i could put a gag in his mouth]


Dimitri: Stop doing that al...for faaak sake stop doing that...

Alejandro: [looks surprised] You talkin to me ho...the name is Fawal..Abbasssi Fawal....[then he gives the martini shaken but not stirred look to Dimitri]...D..come on give me a break..i am tryin to sing a song....[goes dreamy eyed again]

People say that when Abbassi Fawal goes dreamy eyed he sees dreams. People say that cool breeze blows making Fawal's overgrown chest hair sway along with it. People say..hmmm..hmm....hhhmmmhhhmhmh....[faaking steven put a gag in my mouth...i forgot the score...]

Abbassi Fawal:[finally] I can;t smile without you...You came along like a song....I can't live without you....[with his eyes closed...he has no idea what hit him next..neither do i]....aaaaaaoooooooooowwww..ouch...oucchh....faaakk.......

Dimitri: Now that will stop you..[about to give the look]

Abbassi Fawal: [in his mind: Love feels no pain.] Man y u stop me from singing..dont u wanna sing a song after seeing Anya in a thong...Man....I can't live without you

Dimitri: [in his mind: For heavens sake stop him] Kees my arse....fawal...

Abbassi Fawal: [battered and shaken but still in love] D...dont u like Anya...shez way to cute...

Dimitri: Dont u talk abt her like that...

Abbassi Fawal:[in his mind: I am not thinking wat i am thinking..]She ur beeetch??...durr..durr...durrrrrrrrrr...[no these are not sounds produced by Fawal. Actually a scooter was passing by and made the annoying sound. But steven pointed out very late and Abbasi had to pay for my mistakes.]

Abbassi Fawal: Here take 5 bucks...[told u he had to pay for my mistakes]

Dimitri: [looking sad and dejected..]U wanna eat something...

Abbassi Fawal: [in his mind: NO Subway!!!>..he looks sad] D y so serious?

if not for this exact question D would not have opened up. It is his sincere dedication to the JOKER that he answers all his questions honestly for the fear of getting the SMILE PUT on his FACE.

Dimitri: [in his mind: I am not gonna cry in front of this name changing honcho] [Crying..] Man y did she do it?

Abbassi Fawal:[looking concerned- but he is only looking concerned][in his mind: i thot this bitch will never crack up. yeye yeye hes crying..like a nanzy panzy..ooo i need my mamma and babba - the shrimp man....1 2 3 4 take a deep breadth calm down...calm down..give the concerned look] Y wat happened? Who did what?

Dimitri: Anya......[in his mind : better to switch to russian] Anya krinski..kultchinka kournikova purchinka neu carinka

Abbassi Fawal: [in his mind: Russian...nice..wait...its conflict of interest...name Change - Jignesh..no no..Haani...that's done....Abrustki..that too...oh boy...Hellafatmotamov...that'lll do] D..before u whine more...ehh...i mean before u tell me ur hearts' content..i just wanna say one thing to u...the name is Hellafatmotamov...

Dimitri:[on the verge of giving the LOOK]

Hellafatmotamov: Wat...wat did i do...continuinka...continuinka...

Dimitri:[ignoring the Fat bastard] Daa..anya krinski..purchinka carinina..sisterbotcht o traveloski pantsucki krina...

Hellamotamov:[in his mind: A havabatch ne cluetschka...oo..i have no clue] El-laboropothcka

Dimitri: Daa..she kapitchska she kapitchska armani bot thonginenea chikenka shitmov

Hellamotamov:[in his mind:faak me sideways...that ho....nobody messes wid D..hez ma bitch...]

People Say that when Hellfatmotamov chooses to call someone his bitch he means the way nigers do. People Say.....[Steven again..gagged me]

....continuing .... Hellamotamov: kaputski..shitmov...chikenka  shitmov...D..a dere 4 ooo

Dimitri:.....thankska patruski thankska bastardopot freindpucthcsk oo[with this he gave Hellamotamov the look...the look to sing the song together]

Hellamotamov/Alejandro/Abbassi Fawal/Haani Salam/Abrustki + Dimitri:[Dimitri whistling to give a starting score] 
You know ..I can't smile without you...
Can;t smile without u..
can;t live and i can;t sing 
finding it hard to do anything....
U see i feel safe wen ur safe...
Feel glad wen u r glad...
If u only knew what i am goin thru.....

Oh Boy!!![tears in my eyes] It is here that i end and take a withdrawing shot. If only Anya knew what these two felt. I wish she could read the english subtitles from Mills and Boons. Boy..i know u r also crying- i can;t help thanks to the awesomely romantic and heartbreaking subs that steven arranged for. Wait a min..why are u givin me the "Wat subs" look....faaking steven...u sick faak...u forgot to put the subs......steven.....faaaakkkkkkk,.....


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