Latino Heat-Ch 5

Prelogue: 1 2 3 4 hu ha....1 2 3 4 hu ha....1 2 3 4 hu ha....tak tak tak tak na na nah...

Dont get tensed for this is not morse code and nor does this require a willing suspension of disbelief to witness the horrors that Dimitri is going through. For this is not Steven's sound synthesizer. Behold the horrors that i am forced to unleash upon you. 
This is the tune to which Alejandro is belly dancing. [A moment of insight into the character's character. Alejandro loves belly dancing.] Dimitri is the only one to have witnessed this horror of fat mass of Fats swaying to the tunes of Arabian Music.
oooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww....there the singer is howling. 
[Arabs can only howl or moan. These are the only sounds they can make.--Source Alejandro] As i was saying that only Dimitri is seeing this because he is the only one alive and who will survive. People say when Alejandro belly dances dark clouds surround that place and blow it up with their supercharged lighteners. People say.....wait a min i want to find this guy named People Say and ask him to Keees My Arse.

[Background Music]

Setting: Alejandro and Dimitri in their apartment. Its one of those days when People Say that you sit and sit and sit. People say that its one those days when Geezuz will be born and so we all sit outside the maternity ward waiting for Mary to drop in the package. [Mary the local pizza delivery man.

Dimitri: Now stop that..[in his mind: Mind faaked. This fat ass is going to break the floor with all the jumping. I bet he is hungry.]

Alejandro: You bet i am hungry.[stops dancing]

Dimitri: Let's go to Subway.

Alejandro: Man you go to subway more than the Rub-eye.[without much hoopla...rubeye is the owner of subway.]

Dimitri: get off me ho...i am leaving in 5

Alejandro: [giving am evil grin...] 1 2 3 4 hu ha....1 2 3 4 hu ha....1 2 3 4 hu ha....tak tak tak tak na na nah...
[ While alejandro is belly dancing. Me and Steven are drooling. The pervs we are.]

Dimitri screams and starts running.
It is here that the story ends because me and steven also ran away. Nun will know what happened in that apartment because the nun was hiding in the closet. Me and steven have tried every trick or treat but she has not yet budged. The only thing that she said strikes horror in my spine.."Some people respect the gun while everyone respects the Bulge"[crack: sound of my spine cracking...ouch it 911]


Zinque said…
hahaha.. u do have a flair for humour.. very interesting read.. :D

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